Far West had it's humble beginnings as The Van Buren congregation in 1959; being the assignment and seed work of the late great ministerial servant, Evangelist Bro. Mark Myles Sr.
Bro. Myles, along side with some faithful and courageous belivers, inclusive of his loving and God fearing bride Dr. Opear R. Myles, his four children, and mother, began the legacy of one of God's great congregations. On June 28th, 1969, the late Levi Kennedy Jr. preached the first sermon, sparking the beginning of the journey for the Van Buren Church of Christ.
Far West was one of the fastest growing congregations in Chicago at the time. With Bro Myles having had a fondness for young people, he was instrumental in developing several preachers, ministers, and church leaders, making contributions in their lives in many different ways. In this number were the likes of C.L Harper (seeding evangelist of the Maypole ave Church), Bro. McMillian, James Huff, Mark Myles II, Luke Myles Sr. (current Minister) Matthew Myles Sr., John Thomas, Clarence Doggan, Douglas Banks, Raymond Myles Sr., Wayne Myles Sr., David C. Penn, and countless others. There are several of whom are household names in the city of Chicago and throughout our vast brotherhood, working deligently with communities all across our nation!
We have been a visible force in our community, by feeding and caring. organizing coat and clothes drives, soup lines, and more. We held community fairs, nursing home visits and many other outreach programs.
Far West has been blessed over the years with some powerful singers in the city of Chicago even up unto this very day. To name a few: Dora Louis Newson, Dorthey White-Howard, Shirley Smith-Thompson, Patricia Myles-Bibbs,Elain Myles-Hinton, Ruben Locke II, Tyrone Newson, Matthew Myles Sr., and Luke Myles Jr., God knows we have had our share!
The record for Far West is deep and rich in history and by God's providence the record isn't finished YET! We thank God for allowing us through our worship, praise, and works to serve Him while lifting up Jesus, by the power of the Holy Spirit.